86400 secs/day

USE every second.

Do not JUST timeblock your day … but USE your mind to constantly bring your focus back to the task at hand in that second. The notion that we can do anything WELL or SAFELY while we are multitasking is a complete lie.

We do not JUST timeblock our days … instead, we practice our discipline of USING your mind to constantly bring your focus back to the task at hand … we USE our time more effectively, more efficiently, more completely by focusing on one task at hand … and practicing that discipline of focus ALL DAY LONG with EVERY waking and EVERY sleeping second

STOP Thinking That Multitasking Helps You

Of course, we THINK that we can multitask safely, but we really can’t. We can set things all kinds of things in motion, eg like making a pot of coffee while we fire up our computer, get out a folder or physical item while the computer fires up so that a few minutes later we can grab a cup of coffee … but just because we can set things in motion all at once, it does not mean that we are doing things particularly WELL or, at all, SAFELY, eg we cannot be driving a car and texting at the same time.

EVERY second is for developing the discipline of FOCUS

In each second, we must continually bring our minds back to center … back to the task at hand.

EACH second is for mindfully develop the discipline of FOCUSING.

Doing this EACH second that we work on ONE tasks helps solidify the mindfulness discipline throughout the day.

In that way, we can always be PRESENT, completely focused on the task at hand … without really having to even think that much about it … UNTIL we notice, that our mind is [once again] not just wandering, but something or someone is trying to train our minds to wander.

As we go through life … we want to change those somethings and someones from driving us to distraction or loss of focus … if we cannot achieve that change, we will need to remove those those somethings and someones having access to our minds; MOSTLY, this means that we will want to work harder at removing the bad habits of being ourselves.

MOSTLY, it’s US! We look at ourselves FIRST; because we are supposed to be in control of ourselves.

But in some cases, where the control is beyond anything that we can/should do, we will actually need to remove the influences of the bad habits of other things and other people from our lives.